Patient Information

Providing Mountain View and Los Altos with Exceptional Modern Dentistry

Welcome, New Patients

Welcome new patients! We cannot wait to meet you. As you prepare for your upcoming visit to our dental practice in Mountain View, please review and complete the information below in order to ensure that your visit will be as efficient as possible.

Click to request an appointment, or simply call us.

New Patient Forms

Save time by filling out new patient forms online!

Adult History Form
Child Health History Form


Notice of Privacy Practices
Facts of Dental Materials
Easily pay your bill online

Emergency Dental Appointments

Dental emergencies can involve infection, toothaches, broken teeth, large cavities, and tooth trauma. If you are experiencing pain or swelling, have broken a tooth, or damaged your teeth in an accident, call our office as soon as possible. Dr. Lagemann is usually available to address dental emergencies on the same day and can be reached after hours.

(650) 968-3146

Patient-First Dental Experience

We are building a world-class patient experience for everyone visiting our dental office in Mountain View. We focus on seamless access to care and state-of-the-art dental technology, but nothing is more important than our relationships with our patients. We take the time to listen to our patients, understand what their needs are and then address those concerns.

Virtual Consultations

Dr. Lagemann is now offering virtual consultations! A virtual consultation is often the best choice for new patients and for regular patients who have concerns that arise in between regularly scheduled check-ups. Please call our office for details on how to schedule a virtual consultation.

If you already have a virtual consultation scheduled, please click below to enter your scheduled consultation.

Ready for a refreshing and comfortable way to improve your smile and your long-term oral health?
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